TypesofEngineeringDegrees.org is owned and operated by Enroll Education LLC. For decades, Enroll Education has been researching degree programs within growing areas of higher education. We have worked with hundreds of universities and researched thousands of programs at all levels. Our goals are simple: Do our research, create easy-to-use websites with unique information, and help students find the best colleges for their personal circumstances.
TypesofEngineeringDegrees.org started out as a small personal research project in 2011, with no intention of being developed further. While the information on the site has been published on the web for some time it was mainly for personal use. After realizing the site was receiving visitors (fairly regularly), we felt it was worth developing into a resource that could be useful to anyone considering an engineering degree. The articles are written to be informative but not overly formal in the hope this provides an easy-to-digest resource for anyone interested in engineering.
There are many types of engineering degrees available and many different paths your career can take based on your initial choice of degree. For many this can be a difficult decision. Our hope is the information presented on the site can play a small role in helping you to decide on the engineering degree that best suits you.
Contact Us
Help us keep our website up to date. If you see information on a school listing that needs updated, please be sure to let us know. Likewise if you are interested in featured placement or advertising opportunities, you can contact us at the following email (substitute the ‘at’ for the @ symbol): schools at typesofengineeringdegrees.org.
Engineering Data, Facts, and Figures
We do our best to directly source all data, facts, and figures, including school information and salary information, directly within every piece of content we write. Any data or numbers, rankings, facts, and figures, are gathered from different resources around the web. Below are our most-used resources:
- Institute of Education Sciences – link
- Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology – link
- US Bureau of Labor Statistics – link
Sponsored Schools
We strive to provide information that is helpful to anyone looking at engineering as a career possibility. At times throughout this website, we may display featured school advertisements that we think make sense for someone visiting this site looking for an education in STEM, and in return receive a marketing fee for the placement. Any school we place on the website will be vetted and will be accredited, but you should be sure to fully investigate each and every program and school, regardless of if you find them on this website or another website.
Privacy Policy
For details on our privacy policy, visit here.