Consider sponsored 100% online programs that are currently taking applicants for 2025.
School Program Admissions

Grand Canyon University

Online Software Engineering, Engineering Management, & Technology Programs
Multiple online software engineering and development programs. BS in Software Engineering, MS in Information Assurance and Cybersecurity, Online MS in Engineering Management, more.

Southern New Hampshire University

Online Computer Science & Engineering Programs
Multiple programs include: BS in Computer Science (concentrations in Software Engineering, Data Anlysis, Information Security, Project Management for STEM), MS in Management - Construction Management, MBA in Engineering Management.

Arizona State University

Online Engineering Degrees - Undergraduate and Graduate
21 engineering programs available. Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate. Programs in Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Managment, Software Engineering, and more.

With thousands of different universities offering engineering degrees, it can be tough to figure out which is best. Simply stated, what makes for a "best college" is completely subjective.

For instance, one person looking at an engineering degree might think that low tuition rate is the most important, while another person may only care about the USNews & World Report Ranking, or the ROI of the degree. We have tried to use empirical data, and let numbers and facts tell the story of which engineering college is the best, but be sure to do your own research as well.

Our Top Engineering Schools Ranking Methodology

We use around a dozen different factors when determining the rankings for our universities. Among the most important factors are: the ROI of the degree based on Payscale data, the tuition rate of the university, whether or not the university offers online programs, breadth of engineering programs, the US News & World Report engineering ranking, and the demand of the brand of the university. Many "Top Ranking of Engineering Colleges Lists" use only one or several factors. We feel that having more data points allows for a greater idea of the reality of a program. So ranking highly in just one or two areas but not a few others ends up with a mediocre score.

Top Ranked Engineering Colleges by

Without further ado, below are the top ranked engineering schools according to our methodologies. We have visited every one of these schools' websites, completed an in-depth review, and provided a written summary of some of the highlights of their engineering department.

Click to see more online programs currently taking applications for more information.


Stanford University

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Research University | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 1 | Payscale ROI Rank: 10 | USNews Rank: 2
Across many different ranking websites of the top engineering colleges, Stanford University is consistently at or near the top of the list. Considering their ROI is among the best in the nation, as well as having a brand name that is considered academically exceptional, Stanford University tops our engineering ranking list.
Not just a department based on learning, but one where students can help shape the world’s largest industries, including technology, communications and healthcare. In their world famous degree programs you can learn to become a leader in your field through the mentorship of faculty who are deeply connected to the entrepreneurial hub of Silicon Valley. Their engineering department has three No. 1 department rankings and each of their engineering departments rank in the top 5.
If you are considering earning a degree in engineering from Stanford, you are well-positioned to succeed. An estimated 12,700 companies have stemmed from Stanford graduates, helping fuel ideas and innovations that have shaped the global economy and helped improve the quality of life for people on all four corners of the world. Recent notable engineering projects include collaboration with Toyota, the creation of solar cells, and drone technology.

University of Pennsylvania

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Research University | Ivy League | Engineering Dept Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 2 | Payscale ROI Rank: 30 | USNews Rank: 19
Pennsylvania University boasts a top-rated school of engineering and applied science that can help you begin a career of research and development before you walk across the stage at graduation. This department has been recognized with numerous awards and accomplishments in the field over the years. Their students include Fellows of the National Academy of Inventors, and members of the National Academy of Medicine.
A recent solar energy project for Rwanda was granted funding to implement solar energy at Gashora Girls Academy of Science and Technology. If you are looking for an engineering program where you can make a real world impact, learn more about their undergraduate and graduate programs. For graduate level education, they offer master’s, PhD, Engineering Entrepreneurship Fellowships, as well as study abroad programs. With their knowledgeable advisors and impressive network of alumni, Penn Engineering should be a top consideration for students who are serious learners with serious professional goals.


California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Research University | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 3 | Payscale ROI Rank: 10 | USNews Rank: 5
To create the technologies of the future, you should work with the leaders who were on the forefront of yesterday’s innovations. The professors and alumni of Caltech’s Engineering and Applied Science department understand the nuts and bolts of engineering, as well as how to stimulate and execute the breakthroughs that will inspire and help the lives of future generations.
There is always something exciting going on at Caltech in the area of research, invention and collaborations with industry leading companies. Caltech recently received $4 million in grants to help improve earthquake detecting technology so response can be quicker and more efficient. The departments within the division of engineering include aerospace, physics and materials science, computing and mathematical sciences, electrical engineering, environmental science, mechanical and civil engineering, and medical engineering. With their wide array of program offerings at the undergraduate and graduate level, it’s no wonder students from all four corners of the world apply to Caltech for engineering education.


Georgia Institute of Technology

University Overview: Public (In-State) | Public School | Research University | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 4 | Payscale ROI Rank: 11 | USNews Rank: 6
Engineering students who want to chart their own future and pave their own way throughout their studies should strongly consider applying to one of the many top-notch engineering programs at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Their mission is to give you more than skills necessary for career qualifications. They want to inspire students to start their own businesses, create their own inventions, spearhead research projects and help find solutions to pressing global issues.
Consistently ranked among the top-tier for engineering education degrees, Georgia Institute of Technology is a must-consider for any student serious about succeeding in the field. The college of engineering has study abroad programs in over 40 countries, and ranks #1 in American Institute forMedical and Biological Engineering Fellows. Undergraduates have access to online summer courses, if they have to juggle working an internship or summer job. They offer graduate programs online, which can help current professionals continue learning without stopping their careers.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Research University | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 5 | Payscale ROI Rank: 4 | USNews Rank: 1
MIT is one of the most well-known universities in the world, and the engineering department is a big reason why. Their departments and institutes range from aeronautics, chemical engineering, medical engineering, nuclear science, and more. Their laboratories are built to inspire students hoping to inspire the next innovations in ocean engineering, integrative cancer research, computational engineering, microsystems technology, and other segments of engineering vital to human survival and global evolution.
Recently, MIT announced a new initiative to help spark transformative, cross-disciplinary research that can improve the environment. Having this sort of collaborative mindset across an entire university proves MIT understands how connected the world of education is, and how crucial it is to work across disciplines. If you want to help the world take one step closer to the cure for cancer, imagine working to help develop nanotechnology based cancer therapies with the world’s smartest researchers. You could not go wrong by choosing an engineering degree program at MIT.


Harvard University

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Research University | Ivy League | Engineering Dept Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 6 | Payscale ROI Rank: 14 | USNews Rank: 20
An engineering degree program at Harvard would put in you company with some of the world’s most brilliant minds who are striving to be among the most innovative leaders in their industry or chosen field. Harvard offers undergraduate and graduate level degrees. Harvard places engineering students in a diverse liberal arts environment where they interact with students across all disciplines.
Graduate programs include masters and doctoral degree programs. However, unlike most universities, Harvard does not have traditional academic departments. Graduate students focus on earning a degree in one of these subjects: Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Computer Science, Computational Science and Engineering, Design Engineering, and Engineering Sciences. If you want to join an engineering department that is designed for today’s lanscape of research, learn more about their renowned programs.


Columbia University

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Research University | Ivy League | Engineering Dept Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 7 | Payscale ROI Rank: 35 | USNews Rank: 14
Columbia’s Fu School of Engineering and Applied Science offers small programs with the resources that you find at top-tier major universities. Undergraduate and graduate students can take advantage of. This school is known for its impressive research installations, including the Center for Electron Transport in Molecular Nanostructures and the Columbia Genome Center.
Not only do students have the benefit of the school’s facilities, but the city of New York has endless possibilities for students to explore. Both personal and professional opportunities abound in the city. Columbia’s very own engineering students can take a lot of credit for helping build New York into the city that the world looks to in awe of its architecture and infrastructure. Fu also offers fully accredited top-ranked online engineering graduate programs that offer the same curriculum and credentials as their traditional campus-based programs.


Dartmouth College

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Research University | Ivy League | Engineering Dept Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 8 | Payscale ROI Rank: 19 | USNews Rank:
The single biggest difference about Dartmouth’s Thayer School of Engineering is they are not split into departments and students do not have to focus on just one type of engineering. Their program is known for innovation, and backed up by the fact that 1 in 3 Dartmouth faculty have started their own company. Such businesses include Stealth Biologics, which designs and develops biotherapeutic agents that work to help the human immune system.
Other companies formed by faculty delve into the areas of alternative energy, biologic drugs, cancer diagnostics, and noise reduction technology. You can also start your own research project and carve your own path that could lead to your own business after graduation. Current research areas include: medicine, energy technologies, and complex systems, and can involve several other areas of discipline offered. Known for its culture of collaboration, Dartmouth should be a top choice for any student serious about excelling in the field of engineering.


Lehigh University

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Research University | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 9 | Payscale ROI Rank: 39 | USNews Rank: 49
If you are considering the top-tier choices for majoring in engineering, you should learn more about Lehigh University’s degree programs. The facts don’t lie, and the numbers are impressive: Since 2000 there has been a 43% increase in engineering enrollment. A whopping 98% of students receive offers for employment after graduation.
25% of faculty members have been National Science Foundation CAREER Award winners. And if you are a female looking for a place where you can around more women seeking to become engineers, you’ll be happy to know that Lehigh University has a much higher average of women engineering majors than the national average (26% to 17%). The engineering division is divided into 7 departments that include chemical and biomolecular, materials science, civil and environmental, computer science, electrical, industrial, and mechanical engineering. As an additional resource, you can tap into the minds of the Engineering Advisory Council, an external group that consults and helps the department and students achieve its core objectives.


Princeton University

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Research University | Ivy League | Engineering Dept Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 10 | Payscale ROI Rank: 24 | USNews Rank: 18
Princeton’s engineering department is known for helping solve societal problems and helping leaders emerge in industries vital for human survival, including energy and environment, health, and security. The department at a glance includes 1,300 undergraduates students, about 600 graduate students, and research to the tune of $73 million annually. If you are interested in applying to Princeton, you can focus on one of their five departments: chemical and biological, civil and environmental, computer science, electrical, mechanical and aerospace, and operations research and financial engineering.
Princeton is known for world-class collaborations, including the Center for Information Technology Policy, which is run in conjunction with the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. Students can also partake in certificate programs and more. At Princeton, you will learn from professional faculty. Graduate students also assist in mentoring and teaching undergraduate students. Princeton students also have the ability to take advantage of study abroad to widen the scope of their worldly experience to gain better perspective as they prepare for professional careers.


Harvey Mudd College

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 11 | Payscale ROI Rank: 1 | USNews Rank:
Harvey Mudd’s Department of Engineering is known for its hands on approach to educating future engineers in a variety of industries. The goals of the program include providing curriculum that is current and challenging for students and faculty alike. Through research opportunities and classroom labs, students can learn what it takes to thrive in their chosen career path. During your junior/senior year you will be able to take advantage of industry-sponsored clinical research projects.
These clinics were started by the department in 1963 to incite collaboration between junior and senior students who worked with faculty and professional engineers to execute projects that replicate real world initiatives. What’s more, engineering fellowships are also an integral part of the program. This allows students to gain experience in research and execution, as well as learning the art of technical writing and giving presentations. If you are looking for a program that emphasizes what you can expect in your career, Harvey Mudd is worth strong consideration.


Williams College

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 12 | Payscale ROI Rank: 21 | USNews Rank:
Williams College is perhaps the most interesting on our list, because they actually do not offer a formal engineering program. But it is a very unique college and has a great ROI, which is how it ended up making our list. Even though Williams College does not offer a formal engineering program, a significant portion of their students go on to study engineering at major universities. These students often thrive because of the foundation in science and mathematics they receive at Williams College.
Williams also offers a broad scope of courses in humanities and the social sciences for a complete education that can prepare students to communicate effectively, apply logic to all sides of a problem. If you want to earn an undergraduate education that can set you in the right direction for graduate studies in engineering at another top-notch school, they should major in one of the two routes: B.A. in Science or Combined Program in Liberal Arts and Engineering. This second option is referred to as the 3-2 program. This allows a student to learn for three years at William before transferring to Columbia University where they can focus on engineering. So if you are looking for the perfect springboard into graduate studies, Williams should be a top option.


Lafayette College

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 13 | Payscale ROI Rank: 44 | USNews Rank:
Ranked as one of the top undergraduate engineering programs in the United States, Lafayette helps students understand the nuts and bolts of engineering while fostering a creative mindset that spurs innovation. Students are aligned closely with faculty as they learn, with opportunities to complete projects and study abroad. What’s unique about this undergraduate program is that students can double major with international studies, which further qualifies them for careers across the globe.
The Layfayette undergraduate program also sets students up for transfer to major engineering programs across the U.S. Upon graduation they will have the skills to make an impact in a variety of areas, including economic, social, and cultural realms. Students can focus on three types of engineering in their studies: chemical, civil, and electrical and computer engineering. The average rate of tuition and fees is $47,010, with a fairly even split between males and female students (53%/47%). And if you enjoy smaller classes, 57.2% of their classes have fewer than 20 students, making Lafayette a great college for students looking for a focused education.


Duke University

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Research University | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 14 | Payscale ROI Rank: 38 | USNews Rank: 28
Duke is a world famous college with many excellent academic departments that rank among the top in the nation. The Pratt School of Engineering is certainly no exception. Undergraduate degrees are offered in biomedical, civil and environmental, electrical and computer, and mechanical engineering. Graduate students can earn their masters degree in engineering and engineering management. Plus, Duke offers certificate programs in more focused areas.
Because of its reputation, Pratt boasts one of the fast-growing engineering programs in the nation. In some of the more exciting news about the Pratt school, they are currently building the world’s first quantum computer, which would allow researchers to control the frequency of a laser within a millionth of a percent. With programs that inspire such innovation, it seems like Duke engineering students can do anything with their top-notch facilities, resources, and faculty of working professionals. Plus, with its strong industry relations, Duke engineering students are sought after by companies across the globe looking for tomorrow’s leaders and innovators.


University of California – Berkeley

University Overview: Public (In-State) | Public School | Research University | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 15 | Payscale ROI Rank: 34 | USNews Rank: 3
Do you want to know why this engineering department is constantly ranked in the top in the nation? Because the students are taught by faculty who are committed to changing the world through many types of engineering practices emphasized by the department. In fact, the average GPA of accepted applicants is 4.50, and 24% of the student body are international students.
With such a diverse student population, the opportunities for networking and developing a wider world view are almost guaranteed. In 2015, there were about 3,100 undergraduate students and just over 1,800 graduates students enrolled. Some areas of focus for undergraduate students include energy, physics, environmental, mechanical, and nuclear engineering. Masters and doctoral programs are also available, as well as study abroad opportunities. Global partnerships are an integral part of the engineering department as well. The university works with colleges overseas to strengthen relationships while solving real world problems. For students who are serious about graduating among the top professionals in engineering, Berkeley should be near the top of their list.


Haverford College

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 16 | Payscale ROI Rank: 28 | USNews Rank:
“Not only does Haverford College have something special to offer engineering students in its own right, but their collaborations with the University of Pennsylvania and Caltech set students up for real world success. Students have three options for learning at the Haverford College of Engineering. First, they can take the 4 + 1 program, which means you would take four years of study at Haverford before finishing with one year at Pennsylvania University.
This track would result in a Bachelor’s of Science or Arts form Haverford and a Master’s of Engineering from Penn. The second track is called the 3/2 program, which means 3 years of study at Haverford and two years at CalTech. This program results in a Bachelor’s of Science at Haverford and a Bachelor’s of Engineering from CalTech. For master’s degrees, Haverford students can take advantage of partnerships with Swarthmore College and the University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Science. Although Haverford does not offer graduate programs, students can take engineering courses through these partner schools to pursue graduate degrees at other universities.


Colorado School of Mines

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Research University | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 17 | Payscale ROI Rank: 6 | USNews Rank:
If you want one of the best undergraduate engineering educations in the nation, you need to look into the Colorado School of Mines Engineering department. This world class department includes a core curriculum and programs that span several critical areas, including chemical and biological, civil, electrical, environmental, mechanical, metallurgical and materials engineering. You can also minor in bioengineering and life sciences as well as humanitarian engineering.
As a global innovator in the areas of technology and research, faculty and students at Mines are immersed in a world of innovation they can participate in no matter what their grade level. In December 2015, Mines was awarded a $2.5 million grant to create a 3D metal printing research facility by the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade. This is just one of the many ways this engineering department is recognized as a credible institution that every prospective engineering student should look into.


Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Research University | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 18 | Payscale ROI Rank: 28 | USNews Rank: 4
The Carnegie Mellon School of Engineering is impressive at first glance. With a wide spectrum of engineering departments, prospective student should strongly consider this school as a top option. In addition to undergraduate and graduate studies, students can take integrated and accelerated programs that allow them to complete both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in just five years.
These fast tracks include areas such as civil and environmental, electrical and computer, engineering and public policy, as well as materials science integrated M.S.-B.S. programs. If you want proof of how this engineering department ranks, both the undergraduate and graduate engineering divisions consistently rank in the top 10, and among the top choices for international students seeking the best engineering. When students from around the world are eyeing a program, you can feel confident that the opportunities are truly limitless. Find out why Carnegie ranks among the top schools for graduates who become leaders for engineering research beyond their education.


Tufts University

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Research University | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 19 | Payscale ROI Rank: 60 | USNews Rank:
Tufts School of Engineering ranks among the top engineering schools in the nation for a variety of reasons. Their undergraduate and graduate programs offer students educational and research opportunities that extend naturally into professional paths that help shape and solve real world issues. There are six academic departments as part of the school of engineering, plus the Tufts Gordon Institute and the Center of Engineering Education and Outreach.
The Tufts Gordon Institute focuses on developing leaders in engineering. Their innovation is not only seen in the classroom but how they develop graduate degree programs that are already producing emerging leaders in technology. Tufts offers three MBA degrees, including Engineering Management, Innovation and Management, and their Professional Education Program for current technology professionals. If you are just starting out in your education, Tufts offers 13 undergraduate degrees that can spark your professional path. Or you can use these programs as springboards towards one of their graduate programs including PhD programs across 6 academic departments.


Claremont McKenna College

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 20 | Payscale ROI Rank: 13 | USNews Rank:
Students at Claremont McKenna College (CMC) can work towards a career in engineering by starting out with a bachelor of arts degree in economics and a degree in engineering from another school can take two paths at the Economics-Engineering program at CMC. Your first option takes place through a dual degree program through CMC with their partnership ant Harvey Mudd College.
Harvey Mudd is one of the nationally recognized institutions for engineering students. Their relationship with CMC can double your network of peers and mentors as you create your own path for entering the field of engineering. The second option at CMC would consist of a dual program that is paired with other certified accredited engineering programs. These options at CMC are great for students who want to expand their focus on engineering to include a strong understanding of economics and qualifications and competencies in finance based companies and sectors. If you want a less straight-forward approach to engineering education that helps you connect your interest with economics, be sure to look into the options at CMC.


Swarthmore College

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 21 | Payscale ROI Rank: 40 | USNews Rank:
You know a school of engineering is high caliber when their students are represented at the Paris Climate Change talks, the most significant meeting on climate change in history. An engineering major from Swarthmore was invited to the talks to help keep research journals and communicate to their peers about the progress and topics covered in the talks. But this type of global engagement is par for the course at Swarthmore’s College of engineering.
Students at Swarthmore are truly immersed in an educational environment that includes small classes where experienced faculty serve as mentors in curriculum and research. Within the department, students may focus on civil/environmental, computer, electrical, or mechanical engineering. What’s more, students can even develop their own custom program that combines their other related interests, such as chemistry, biology, or computer science. Swarthmore offers only undergraduate degrees in engineering, but wait until you see the list of graduate schools their students move on to after completion. MIT was the most popular place for Swarthmore students to go after receiving their undergraduate education. That should tell you something about the quality of programs they provide.


University of California – San Diego (UCSD)

University Overview: Public (In-State) | Public State School | Research University | Engineering Dept Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 22 | Payscale ROI Rank: 61 | USNews Rank: 17
Here are some statistics that let you know how stellar the education you can receive at the Jacobs School of Engineering at UC San Diego: This school ranks fifth among US colleges in funding for federal research and development. In 2012, they received $1,074,000,000 for the fiscal year. The Center for World University Rankings places UC San Diego as the 5th best university in the world (2014). In 2015, the engineering department ranked 2nd in the nation for biomedial/bioengineering, and the Department of Computer Science engineering ranked 7th in the US and 11th in the world in 2014.
These statistics don’t lie, and that’s why if you’re looking for a great place to learn how to work as an engineer, this should be a top-choice school. USCSD Jacobs School of Engineering is structured into 6 academic departments that oversee the programs. They also offer students some really great attachments to their program, including the Team Internship Program and the GlobalTeams in Engineering Service program which foster collaboration, innovation, peer and professional mentorship as students learn to change the world they live in through their passion for engineering.


Brown University

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Research University | Ivy League | Engineering Dept Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 23 | Payscale ROI Rank: 45 | USNews Rank: 49
The School of Engineering at Brown University is considered among the top in the nation because of its interdisciplinary approach and collaborations with outside affiliates to solve real world problems. For undergraduates, the freshman and sophomore year consist of foundational courses across a variety of engineering disciplines. This core work will help you decide with specialization is best for you to focus on as you complete the last two years of your degree. For outstanding students with high GPA’s, a five year’s master’s track can be completed, which leads to a Master of Science degree.
They also offer a Teacher Education Program that certifies students to teach high school physics. Brown also offers a number of PhD programs. Unlike many engineering schools, Brown does not have formal boundaries between engineering disciplines and Brown does not tailor degrees to specific research areas. For students who want to work in a state-of-the-art research facility, the new engineering building will be completed January 2018. It will include a nano-technology cleanroom, large and small collaborative spaces, and many other groundbreaking amenities.


Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Research University | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 24 | Payscale ROI Rank: 84 | USNews Rank: 21
Virginia Tech is the state’s leading institution for research. The college offers engineering students an educational landscape that is the hub of innovation conducting research that gets worldwide attention. Virginia Tech also has strong support for veteran’s who want to complete their education. You can earn an undergraduate degree in such areas as aerospace, biological systems, computer, ocean engineering, and several other degrees.
Virginia Tech also has several minors in engineering, plus a wide assortment of masters and doctoral programs. For busy professional or military students, they offer online master’s degree programs in Information Technology, Naval Engineering, and others. They offer part time students the opportunity to learn through part-time on-site work and videoconferencing classes. However, their Masters of Information Technology (MIT) program can be completed all online.


Rice University

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Research University | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 25 | Payscale ROI Rank: 55 | USNews Rank: 31
Since the university’s founding in 1912 engineering has been an integral part of Rice’s degree offerings. Since then, this storied school has developed one of the strongest school’s of engineering in the country. There are currently 9 academic departments and a whopping 17 research centers where students, faculty, and industry leaders collaborate. The location helps the school tap into the medical, space, and energy industry’s world renowned research and innovation.
Rice is also a place where women can feel empowered to join the forces of engineering across all disciplines. The Society of Women Engineers helps support women who enter the college and move into the field. Their Center for Education Leadership helps all students rise to the top of their field and help solve tomorrow’s big problems and spark amazing creations and developments. The bottom line is that Rice has great opportunities for prospective students at the undergraduate and graduate level.


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

University Overview: Public | Public State School | Research University | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 26 | Payscale ROI Rank: 86 | USNews Rank: 6
Nanotechnology is a rapidly budding area of engineering that will affect almost every major industry. The collaborative nature of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is helping spur that innovation across eight disciplines of study. These students and professors aren’t just going through the motions of exercises, they are coming to class every day to help fight cancer.
If you want to pursue engineering at the bachelors, master’s, or PhD level, the University of Illinois is a great place to call your home away from home. Speaking of home, you can take advantage of their interactive online courses at the graduate level. Illinois has the rankings from credible organizations to prove the quality of its engineering experience across all disciplines. In 2015 it was ranked 4 worldwide in the official “Academic Ranking of World Universities of Engineering. The recognition spans its innovative approach to education to its achievements as the result of student learning and faculty influence. If you want to be in a great place to spark an innovative career in engineering, Illinois could be your place.


Purdue University

University Overview: Public | Public State School | Research University | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 27 | Payscale ROI Rank: 97 | USNews Rank: 6
When you learn about the College of Engineering at Purdue, the first thing you’ll realize is their commitment to solving the world’s toughest challenges. Whether aiming towards solutions to help combat AISDS, make hydrogen fuel cells more efficient, or help improve responses to natural disasters, the students and faculty at Purdue are working on it. At Purdue you have one of the largest engineering departments, with 13 programs – all nationally ranked.
If you want to be a part of a fast-growing program that is expected to continue accelerating, Purdue is your place. With expected growth of 30% by 2017 in faculty and staff. You can also take advantage of their summer research program, and support of entrepreneurship so students can truly follow their dreams, and help make those dreams a reality for our world. Students can take undergraduate and graduate programs. These programs give a full education that extends into effective communication and professional development.


Amherst College

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 28 | Payscale ROI Rank: 69 | USNews Rank:
It’s no wonder the College of Engineering at UMass Amherst has seen enrollment more than double in recent years. In 2015, undergraduate students alone received more than $390,000 in scholarships from endowments and scholarships. If you live in the New England area, this is most prospective students’ top choice. The 81% placement rate for graduates into the workforce or grad school is proof this is a great place to start and finish your engineering education.
Research is an integral part of any program, and Amherst is proof that’s its the heart of how engineering feats and miracles occur. The Northeast Climate Science Center is the result of a $7.5 million grant from the federal gov’t. This center will help understand and solve problems caused by the effects of climate change from the Northeast to the Midwest. UMass Amherst offers engineering education at a comparatively lower tuition rates that average. For undergads they offer six BS programs, and two Bachelor to Master of Science programs that take 5 years complete. For graduate studies they offer 7 Master of Science and 5 PhD degree programs. Plus, they offer a variety of minors, certificates and other programs.


SUNY – Maritime College

University Overview: Public | Public State School | Engineering Department Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 29 | Payscale ROI Rank: 5 | USNews Rank:
Over 100 years old, this engineering department is consistently ranked highly for a variety of reasons relevant to student success. Maritime College requires its students apply hands-on what they learn in the classroom and in their labs. The excitement of the Summer Sea Term is a unique quality of the life of a Maritime students. This term gives students a chance to operate and manage a sea vessel.
The department recently added electrical, facilities, and mechanical engineering to its program offerings. Students have the opportunity to build on their foundation with business skills. The programs can be the best choice for engineering students who want to work in Naval and Maritime industries. Undergraduate and graduate programs are offered, as well as Coast Guard licensing for students who want to become a Merchant Marine Officer. Graduate programs include areas such as global business and transportation, as well as a variety of certificate and licensure programs.


Yale University

University Overview: Private not-for-profit | Private School | Research University | Ivy League | Engineering Dept Website: +
Rankings: ED Rank: 30 | Payscale ROI Rank: 91 | USNews Rank: 35
One of the most famous Ivy League schools for many reasons, and the School of Engineering at Yale is no exception. Boasting some of the hottest research projects in recent years, including work with quantum technology and cell communication, Yale should be on your list if you are a high-achiever who wants to be on the forefront of engineering innovation throughout your career.
Degree programs allow students to blend their scientific focus with their interest in the liberal arts to create a well-rounded experience. Bachelor’s programs span areas such as Environmental, Electrical, Mechanical, Biomedical engineering, and more. Graduate level engineering at Yale offers a unique experience called the Advanced Graduate Leadership Program. This is meant to give doctoral students an extension of their research lab work so they can transition to careers in academia, public service, government policy, and the public sector across all industries. If you want one of the best engineering educations in the nation, look into the degree programs at Yale.