Consider sponsored 100% online programs that are currently taking applicants for 2025.
School Program Admissions

Arizona State University

Online Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
Learn how to use governing energy transfer, mechanical design, sensors and control devices principles to solve practical and timely engineering problems. This might include analyzing pollution, dissecting mechanical systems or creating automatic control systems.

Arizona State University

Online BSE in Electrical Engineering – Electric Power and Energy Systems
Focuses on the generation, transmission and use of electric power. Learn about electric power plants, nuclear engineering, photovoltaic energy conversion, power system analysis, electrical machinery and more.

Arizona State University

Online Master of Science in Engineering in Electrical Engineering
Specialize in an electrical engineering field, such as power systems or signal processing. Graduates prepare to pursue management-level positions and advanced engineering roles.

Electronics Engineering Technology (EET) programs can be found at the bachelor's and graduate levels for online learners. This type of program is typically geared toward helping you become proficient in such areas as circuit hardware, resistors, inductors, renewable energy, wiring, and other essential topics.

When comparing several online programs, you will want to check on accreditation. ABET, the official Accreditation Board for Engineering and technology ensures programs meet the standards that employer are looking for.

In a bachelors level program, your objectives will likely cover a broad spectrum of outcomes. Students are generally expected to understand concepts and methods to analyze and problem-solve in electrical areas. Students can also develop a work ethic that changes with innovation and new technology. An emphasis can be usually found on a numer of professional skills as well, including communication, leadership, and the differences between professional and industrial environments.

Masters in Electronics Engineering online programs help students prepare for the next level in their careers. This can include managerial, executive, and C-level roles. These programs usually offer students the opportunity to focus on specific areas, such as integrated circuits, microelectronics, power and energy, nanotechnology, signal processing and more.

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Specific Electronics Courses and Course Descriptions

Curriculum in electronics engineering degree programs are typically designed to give students a strong foundation in the essential areas of electronics. Some course examples include:

Programming Essentials

This is where you gain your basic understanding of how to speak any programming language needed in today’s tech-driven world. You will likely learn how to communicate with your professional peers complicated programming solutions in ways they can understand. Presenting information will be important to learn, in addition to the nuts and bolts of programming.

Fundamental Properties of AC Circuits

To work in the professional world, you will need to understand the functions and ways RL, RC and RLC circuits work. Transformer theory is sometimes included in this type of course. Curriculum may begin with introductory lessons on capacitative and inductive circuits.

Technical Project Management

To work on a team, you need to understand how technical projects work best, and most efficiently. This course focuses on the management of engineering projects from start to finish. Students should leave with an understanding of how to help and lead teams on projects, large and small.

Signals and Systems

This is where your studies will focus on how to solve challenges in linear systems. Many courses implement examples that use real world data to give students experience solving real-world problems. Lessons usually cover convolution, modulation, sampling, signal reconstruction, z-transform, and relevant mathematical concepts.

Capstone Project

You should design your final project with the help of your professors and advisors, if your program offers one. This can be a good chance to solve problems that are critical to an industry in which you want to work. If you prove that you are already in the mindset they need from electronics engineers, your Capstone Project can enhance your standing with prospective employers.

How Electronics Degrees Differ from Electrical or Computer Engineering Degrees

To understand the difference between electronics and electrical engineering programs, you can do so simply by thinking about the difference between the two terms. Electrical programs focus more on things like motors, power sources, and utility transportation, as examples. Electronics refers to the equipment, such as microchips, mother boards, broadcasting systems, and analog circuitry. The difference between electrical and computer engineering is that computer engineers focus only on computer devices.

Electronics Engineering Degree Requirements

You can pursue bachelor’s level degrees with strong performance in math and science, passing GPA. Some schools offer this type of program at the associate’s level, so you can start focusing at the very early stages of your education. If you want to pursue a graduate program, you will likely have to already have your bachelors degree in electronics engineering. If you don’t, you will have to take additional courses.

Even if you earned your GED, you can still get into some bachelor’s programs, so be sure to contact several schools. With the growth of online learning, the program options for students have grown considerably. Likewise, there are more types of programs available for all types of students.

No matter what your level of education, you can expect to have a GPA of at least 3.0 to get in some of the more competitive schools. Other colleges may accept students with lower GPA’s; however, acceptance may be contingent on maintaining a high level of academic standing throughout the program. Although they may not be required, you may want to take the GRE or GMAT to add to your application. High scores on those tests are sometimes weighed heavily against other factors.

Electronics Engineering Careers and Jobs

Most electronic engineering jobs focus on the design and development of machines and equipment powered and controlled by electronics. Their roles usually require significant time spent on research and development, manufacturing, and work for the government.

Radio Frequency engineers study intelligence sensors and radar technology. Software engineers help with the design and development of software, helping it function effectively, perform tasks, create new features.

Electronics Engineering jobs can come with several titles that indicate experience and rank in a company. There are electronics engineer technicians, Sr. Avionics Electronics Engineers, Senior Electronics Engineers, as well as specialty roles in analog, controls, and power electronics.

Some experienced electronic engineers even move into law and consulting positions where they can help as advisors. Education is another area where those with their masters level education and professional experience may transition after years in the field.

The best way to learn the career outlook and salary potential in your area is to speak with several schools who serve students like yourself. It may benefit to choose a local program with local ties, or it may make more sense to choose an out-of-state online program that offers just the concentration you’re looking for. That’s why it is essential to look around and ask lots of questions before making a decision.